How much will it cost?
Charges start at £395 for Roy the taxi with all the other vehicles starting at £455 with the exception of the two pre-war Rolls-Royces which carry a £50 surcharge so start at £505.
There is no VAT to be added to these prices.
We take credit and debit cards, unfortunately we cannot take payment via American Express.
The basic rate covers:
- Taking the bride to wedding venue – on time of course!
- Taking the bridesmaids to the wedding venue if time allows (i.e. the journey to the venue needs to be less than 15 minutes).
- Uniformed Chauffeur.
- Ribbons.
- Flowers on rear parcel shelf.
The two key factors that may increase costs are:
- Additional mileage
- Additional time
There is no simple formula for calculating any additional fees we charge.
The most obvious factor that increases the cost is mileage. All of our wedding vehicle (except the London taxi) were design with very little consideration for fuel economy. In the 1950s if you wanted a luxury car to be smooth running and fast you just stuck a huge engine in. Back in the 1930s petrol was roughly 10p per gallon and even into the early 1970s it wasn’t much more the 30p. Now it’s well over £5 per gallon.
The other key factor is the time for which the wedding car(s) are required. Some weddings require a driver from 9am and 12pm this would obviously increase the cost.
In theory any of our cars can be taken any distance. However, the costs of doing so become exceptionally high. We could, for example, do a wedding in Scotland, however, depending on the vehicle(s), timings, location etc. the costs would be at least £2,000 and could be heading towards (or possibly passed) £10,000 for two wedding vehicles in the highlands!
In theory we could charter a freight carrying jet for a wedding in Australia but my guess is that you would be looking at a bill of £100,000’s – it would probably be cheaper to buy a car out there.
All things are possible just some things get really expensive!

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